Walboomers Latina WBL038
Die unverzichtbare CD für alle Percussion und Latin – Fans !
September 2007 – Er ist seit Jahren Percussionist hochangesehener Bands wie Nueva Manteca und der Cubop City Big Band, und spielte mit den Allergrößten der lateinamerikanischen Musikszene. In Deutschland arbeitet er eng mit der Pentaton Percussion Schule in Wuppertal zusammen. Jetzt legt der in Holland lebende deutsche Nils Fischer seine erste CD als Bandleader vor: ¡GRACIAS JOE CUBA! Eine mitreißende Hommage an das legendäre „Joe Cuba Sextet“. Für dieses ebenso aufwändige wie musikalisch anspruchsvolle Projekt konnte Nils Fischer die Stars der internationalen Latin-Szene gewinnen: Grammy-Gewinner Brian Lynch, den Bassisten Alain Pérez, das kubanische Timbales-Genie Pepe Espinosa und die besten der europäischen Latin-Szene: Lucas van Merwijk, Leslie Lopez and Gerardo Rosales. Nils Fischer katapultiert Joe Cuba mit dieser CD direkt ins 21. Jahrhundert. Den typischen Sound der sechziger Jahre verstärkt erstmals eine sechsköpfige Bläser-Sektion, drei Sänger geben ihre unverwechselbaren Stimmen: Alberto Caicedo, Nando Vanin and Fabian Nodarse. Die 16 Original-Kompositionen wurden komplett neu arrangiert, den Master-Mix übernahm Grammy Award Gewinner Jon Fausty, den Nils Fischer als Ton-Ingenieur seines Debüts verpflichtete. Zuhören und sich tanzend den Sommer zurückholen – mit dieser CD gelingt’s!
Nils CD bei Drummerszone
Nils CD bei Amazon
Nils CD bei Most Wanted Amsterdam
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Nils CD auf MySpace
„I enjoy Nils\‘ recording very much, and I already have listened to the recording a lot. I like the unique and very interesting concept! Many bands nowadays just copy the old stuff but Nils and his musicians have really created something new. Nils\‘ conga playing is great! People should hear this. Congratulations, Nils – ¡Que Chévere!“ Joe Cuba, New York City
„Nils Fischer, one of the most important percussionists in Holland, has exploded as a leader with this 1st CD which feels like his 20th CD as a leader. This has to be one of the top recordings of the year!“ Ralph Irizarry, New York City
„You are not only very musical but you also know what you are doing, and your new album proves that. The music is very organized, very authentic and very, very good. You should be proud of yourself!“ Armando Peraza, San Mateo – California
„On this heartfelt tribue, Nils takes things up a notch enhancing the classic Joe Cuba vibe sound by adding horns and making the rhythm section even more explosive with his great playing and musical direction. Mambo with a touch of jazz is still the hippest dance music around and I\’m glad musicians like Nils are here to remind us of that. Bravo mi hermano!!!“ Bobby Sanabria, New York City
„Nils is at the forefront of keeping the tradition of the tumbadora alive and well in Europe. Anchored by his solid playing, ¡Gracias Joe Cuba! swings like crazy!“ John Santos, San Francisco – California
„¡Gracias Joe Cuba! is a testament to the power music has to reach every corner of the globe; with this truly intrnational effort, Nils Fischer will garner the respect of dancers and musicians alike, and keep them asking for more!“ Rebeca Mauleón, San Francisco – California “Nils, you are blessed with this great album dedicated to Joe Cuba. Great job, modern arrangements…should sell well! Best of luck, keep up the great work. God bless.” Eddie Montalvo, New York City
“¡Gracias Joe Cuba! covers sixteen tunes from the sextet’s repertoire, and the band shines throughout the entire project. What Nils Fischer [&] Timbazo have done here is sure to capture the attention of the listener, as well as the dancer in you. I’m sure that after the first time you listen, your reaction will be the same as mine: ¡Gracias Joe Cuba, y a ti también Nils! ¡Sabroso!“ George Rivera, Tampa – Florida
„I had the pleasure of playing with Nils and I think he is a great all-round player, lots of swing and energy all the time!“ Orestes Vilató, Martinez – California
“This record is special and needs to be listened by everybody. In my opinion the match between the forceful punch of the percussion tracks and the melodic intention of the brass combined with the contrapuntal writing makes a surprising listening experience. Hope you get to hear it soon…” Jon Fausty, Tampa – Florida
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